søndag den 5. september 2010


They're thin and beautifull. They have to stand in front of a camera with amazing clothes on, and they get paid to do it! Of course am talking about models, and I ask my self: Who wouldn't like to be a model? Well, I would if some one asked me! I think you have to have a lot of confidence to be in the fashions industry. I have talked with few who were models and they said that everyone is commenting you body and you're face and it is not always nice things they say. I really want to be a model or at least just try it! Here is some pictures of me "playing" a model (; enjoy!

Grey - Vila

Shoes - H&M
Grey socks - H&M
Purple watch - Phillipe Constance
Golden watch - Urban Outfitters
necklace- H&M

Pink skirt used asa top - Outban Outfitters
Purple underwear - Pieces
Grey socks - H&M
Belt - H&M
Black skarf - Pieces

White shirt - Monki
Grey shorts - home made from a pair of cheap monday jeans
Shoes - H&M
Grey socks - H&M

Black skarf used as a top - Pieces

White shorts - nr. 69
Shoes - H&M
Grey socks - H&M

AJ ;*

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